

Debt collection from individuals and companies

Debt collection from individuals and companies in Dubai


Features of Debt Collection Service:

Comprehensive Debt Assessment:
We conduct a thorough and precise evaluation of distressed debts to determine the best strategies for dealing with them.
We analyze the debtor’s financial history, assess their repayment ability, and evaluate the available guarantees.

Effective Communication with Debtors:
We provide specialized teams to communicate with debtors in a professional manner, aiming to reach satisfactory solutions for both parties.
We use modern communication techniques such as phone calls, emails, and field visits when necessary.

Advanced Negotiation Strategies:
Our team possesses high negotiation skills, enabling us to reach amicable settlements that benefit all parties.
We offer flexible payment options that suit the debtor’s ability to pay, contributing to an improved debt recovery rate.

Use of Advanced Technology:
We rely on advanced debt management systems that allow us to track debt cases and record every step in the collection process accurately.
We provide regular reports to banks and financial companies on the progress of the collection process and recommendations for performance improvement.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
We ensure full compliance with local and international laws and regulations related to debt collection to avoid any legal issues.
We maintain the client’s reputation by following transparent and ethical collection methods.

Customized Solutions for Banks and Financial Companies:
We understand that each bank or financial company has unique needs, so we provide customized solutions that align with the company’s policies and financial goals.
We build long-term partnerships with our clients based on mutual trust and tangible results.

Service Benefits:

Increased Debt Recovery Rates:
Thanks to our integrated approach and advanced tools, we ensure the highest recovery rates for overdue debts.

Cost Reduction:
We offer cost-effective solutions through quick and amicable debt settlements, minimizing the need for costly legal actions.

Improved Financial Liquidity:
Recovering overdue funds contributes to improving the financial liquidity of banks and financial companies, enhancing their ability to offer new financing services.

Support in Decision-Making:
We provide accurate data and in-depth analysis that help financial management in making informed decisions regarding debt management and future investments.

Organizational Structure:

“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” adopts an administrative structure that aligns with global standards followed by the largest debt collection companies in the US and Europe. It includes the following specializations:

  • Modern Call Center: Specializes in collecting individual debts, equipped with the latest technology to ensure effective communication with debtors.
  • Debtor Tracking Department: Specializes in tracking absconding debtors both domestically and internationally to ensure efficient debt recovery.
  • Field Team: Focuses on field visits and direct communication to ensure quick results.
  • Legal Team: Specializes in filing complaints and following up on legal rulings to ensure justice and the recovery of rights.
  • Department of New, Troubled, and Bad Debt Management: Handles the management of debts at different stages, from new to difficult-to-recover.
  • Consultation Department for Complex Cases: Provides specialized consultations for complex cases that require innovative solutions.
  • Car Loan Debt Collection Department: Focuses on recovering debts related to car loans through specialized methods.
  • Legal Affairs Department: Follows up on litigation within the country and abroad to ensure the efficient progress of legal procedures.
  • Corporate and Banking Debt Follow-up Department: Manages corporate and banking debts using the latest methods.

Flexible Organizational Structure:
The organizational structure of “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” is designed to accommodate rapid growth and expansion in activities and branches, ensuring quality work and continuous development. Therefore, we added the following departments:

  • Policy Setting and Development Department: Aims to improve and update the company’s policies and mechanisms in line with local laws and global standards, preparing the company for obtaining global quality certifications.
  • Quality Control Department: Focuses on monitoring the performance of collectors, ensuring adherence to company policies and mechanisms, in addition to training and developing their skills.
  • Internal Audit Department: Ensures the application of the highest standards of administrative and financial control, ensuring compliance with the standards set by our clients, including banks and financial companies.
  • Training and Development Department: Focuses on training employees inside and outside the country, bridging professional gaps, with an emphasis on motivating and encouraging workers and attracting the best global talents.
  • Computer Development Department: Comprises a group of experts in programming and information systems, working on developing specialized network programs in company mechanisms, updating them annually to keep up with technological advancements.

Ideal Solutions:

Company History and Procedures:
For the past forty years, debt collection activities have been limited to law offices and law firms. However, “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” introduced a new and innovative vision in this field within the United Arab Emirates. By adopting advanced work mechanisms and procedures, the company has become a leader in quickly and efficiently recovering rights without making any concessions.

Innovation and Quality:
Today, “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” ensures the provision of debt collection services according to the latest professional standards, ensuring swift and effective recovery. Upon receiving debtor data from our clients, including debt details and supporting documents, we review the applications and electronically record the data. We then diligently work to recover the debt through various means, focusing on resolving issues amicably whenever possible.

Conflict Management Strategy:
During the follow-up process, we strive to provide the most effective solutions to resolve any disputes that may arise, ensuring clear commitments during the settlement of cases. If the debtor does not cooperate or if the case cannot be resolved through traditional collection methods, we take pre-legal and then legal actions to ensure full and final debt recovery.

Success and Achievements:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” has successfully achieved the highest success rates in debt collection for numerous clients across various industries, including manufacturing, trade, and business in general, and especially in the banking and finance sectors. Our continued success reflects our deep commitment to providing high-quality services and effective strategies in all aspects of our work.

Information Technology:

Investment in Information Technology:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” recognized the importance of information technology in improving debt collection efficiency and invested in developing advanced programs that eliminate the need for paper files. The company relies on specialized and organized databases that cover all stages of collection according to the type and age of the debt.

Advanced Equipment and Technologies:
The Information Technology Department uses the latest equipment in call centers and builds advanced databases for tracking absconding debtors. It also provides a system for direct communication with clients online to keep them updated on their cases.

Integrated Automated Programs:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company’s” program features an advanced document management system, including the issuance of legal notices and electronic messages, in addition to time and task management systems for scheduling tasks and accurately monitoring payments.

Information Security Standards:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” adheres to the highest global information security standards to protect sensitive data and information, enhancing security and trust in the company’s operations.

Client Communication:

Our Services and Coverage:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” offers its services to a wide range of clients, including individuals, banks, financial institutions, and companies across various sectors such as oil and gas, real estate, hospitality, manufacturing, retail, and services. We also provide our services to multinational companies and local corporate groups.
As an accredited debt collection agent, we offer a variety of methods to collect and recover overdue debts, allowing us to meet the diverse needs of our clients at different stages of collection. We ensure that our clients are kept informed of all developments in their cases and provide the necessary reports on a regular basis.

Our Reputation and Experience:
Over the past thirty years, “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” has built a solid reputation for providing specialized and advanced solutions for debt recovery. The company is distinguished by its use of the latest electronic programs, allowing our clients to track their cases online. Our strategy is based on providing detailed reports on various cases, ensuring accurate and continuous follow-up.

Legal Follow-Up:

Legal Follow-Up Team:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” includes a specialized team responsible for handling legal procedures in all local and federal courts, government departments, police stations, and other related entities. The “Legal Follow-Up” team takes legal actions on behalf of creditors, contributing to the quick and effective settlement of debts. The team follows up on the results of these procedures and provides smart and rapid solutions.

Extensive Experience and Global Reach:
The Legal Follow-Up team at “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” has extensive experience in civil and financial laws and debt collection, both within the UAE and abroad. In cases requiring international legal action, coordination is carried out with a network of specialized lawyers in most Arab and foreign countries to ensure efficient case resolution.

International Legal Consultations:
“Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” also provides legal advice to debtors residing outside the country who wish to return. We guide them towards the best ways to settle their debt problems. We work to facilitate their return and settle their debts in a legal and organized manner, ensuring effective and beneficial outcomes for both parties.

Tracking and Pursuing Absconders:

Tracking Absconding Debtors:
In cases where distressed debtors attempt to change their residence or leave the country to avoid creditors, the role of the “Absconding Debtor Tracking and Pursuit” team at “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company” becomes crucial. This team has an extensive database and in-depth knowledge of the latest search and tracking techniques, enabling them to effectively locate these debtors. The team aims to convince debtors to pay through amicable solutions or, if necessary, initiate legal proceedings in cooperation with local and international authorities.

Dealing with Complex Cases:
The “Absconding Debtor Tracking and Pursuit” team specializes in handling complex cases, especially those related to high-value debts or cases that require legal intervention. By collaborating with “Aḥmed Maḥfūẓ Company’s” legal department, the team ensures that debtors are located and compelled to fulfill their financial obligations.


Individual Debts:

person debt

Ahmed Mahfouz Company for Personal Loan Debts:

Banks typically offer personal loans against collateral, but when the borrower is unable to repay the loan, the process of recovering the loan can become complicated, especially if the cost of recovery exceeds the value of the debt. In such cases, banks often decide not to allocate additional resources to recover delinquent debts and instead delegate the process to a third party.

When banks exhaust all possible measures and still fail to recover the loan, our specialized team steps in to take on the task. Our team consists of:

  • Advanced Call Center: Specializes in the collection of individual debts, including new, delinquent, and written-off debts.
  • Debtor Pursuit Department: Tracks down absconding debtors within the country and abroad.
  • Field Visit Team: Engages in direct debt collection through on-site visits.
  • Legal Team: Handles the legal procedures related to Ahmed Mahfouz Company.
  • Consultant Department: Focuses on complex and difficult cases.

Our team plays multiple roles, including negotiation, problem-solving, investigation, and strategy development. Our experts contribute to the successful recovery of personal loans through their negotiation and persuasion skills, in addition to advanced communication strategies that go beyond letters and phone calls.

In addition to personal loans, our team also specializes in collecting all other types of bank debts, such as overdrafts, home loans, and soft loans, enhancing our ability to provide integrated and comprehensive solutions.

Ahmed Mahfouz Company for Credit Card Debts:

With the increasing competition among banks in issuing credit cards, it has become common for consumers to possess several cards from different banks. The rapid accumulation of interest makes it difficult for many consumers to keep up with their payments. Since credit cards are often issued with little or no collateral, the cost of legal actions can sometimes exceed the value of the debt, leading to significant annual losses for banks due to outstanding credit card debts.

At “Ahmed Mahfouz Company,” we offer a service for recovering credit card debts and returning profits that were once considered “bad debts.” Our services include locating individuals indebted on credit cards, as well as efforts to rehabilitate these debtors and restore their creditworthiness. While we prefer to resolve most cases amicably, our legal department handles cases that can only be resolved through legal procedures.

Our strategies for recovering credit card debts vary depending on the age and type of the debt, with our advanced call center managing the recovery operations using the latest technologies. We apply different strategies based on the debt’s age, size, and collateral to ensure full debt recovery and restore the debtor’s credibility, helping maintain the bank’s reputation and relationships with its customers.

Ahmed Mahfouz Company for Car Loan Debts:

Banks face significant challenges due to the accumulation of delinquent and written-off debts, even when they are cautious in reviewing loan applications and verifying the information about borrowers. The problem becomes more complicated when it comes to cars, as they are movable assets, and borrowers who are unable to repay their dues may attempt to leave the country, move to another emirate, or try to sell the car.

At “Ahmed Mahfouz Company,” our trained team is responsible for locating cars and recovering the debts associated with them across the UAE. Our role is not limited to recovering overdue dues but also involves persuading borrowers to hand over the cars to the bank and settling the outstanding amounts after the cars are sold at auction. We have expertise in coordinating car sales through auctions or other methods, returning their current value to the bank, and tracking down fleeing borrowers to recover the remaining payments.

If the car has been involved in an accident and its full price has not been paid, we pursue the recovery of its full value from insurance companies in coordination with the bank to ensure maximum financial benefit.

Corporate Debts:

company debt

Bank Debts for Companies:

Banks generally seek to provide credit facilities to companies to enhance their competitiveness and increase their market share. However, some companies may default on their debts, making it difficult for banks to recover their dues. In these cases, “Ahmed Mahfouz Company” takes on the responsibility of following up on those debts, providing effective and quick solutions in close cooperation with the banks, and advising insolvent debtors on the best ways to settle their debts.

Our client list includes banks and financial institutions, and we handle all types of debts related to equity and securities entitlements, commercial company loans, and credit facilities provided by banks to companies and institutions. “Ahmed Mahfouz Company” has the ability to represent our clients in police departments and courts at all levels and degrees of litigation.

The process of recovering bank debts from companies involves a comprehensive analysis of the case history and its key elements, followed by the development of a work plan to achieve the final settlement of the debt. We provide quick and creative solutions to improve cash flow and deal with the repercussions of non-payment or delays in payment.

We enjoy an excellent reputation for tracking down debtors, whether they are local or foreign companies or insolvent businessmen, even in cases of address changes or departure from the country.

Our corporate banking debt department is supported by a sister company within the group, “Omar Saif Ghobash for Advocacy and Legal Consultations.” Their team of qualified agents and legal experts assesses the feasibility of any legal action as a last resort and provides effective legal support when needed.

Ahmed Mahfouz Company for Corporate Debts from Individuals:

Large companies that offer products and services on credit face challenges in cash flow due to some customers delaying their payments. These companies seek to recover their funds efficiently and at a low cost while maintaining their market reputation. In this context, “Ahmed Mahfouz Company” provides integrated solutions according to the latest professional standards to ensure quick and effective debt recovery.

The specialized team at “Ahmed Mahfouz Company” for field visits takes on the task of visiting debtors and collecting overdue payments, with immediate deposit into our clients’ accounts. Additionally, our legal follow-up team provides effective legal advice when needed.

For absconding debtors, our tracking team locates them, whether within the country or through coordination with Ahmed Mahfouz Company’s international agents if they are abroad.

We strive to maintain open communication channels with our clients, providing detailed periodic reports on Ahmed Mahfouz Company’s results. We also handle delinquent clients with the highest professional standards to preserve our clients’ reputation and build trust in our services.

Ahmed Mahfouz Company for Intercompany Debts:

Companies typically offer credit facilities to their peers to enhance their competitiveness and increase their market share. When some of these companies default on their payments, and the granting companies are unable to recover their dues, “Ahmed Mahfouz Company” steps in to offer effective solutions for debt recovery. We work closely with our clients to provide quick and innovative solutions, helping to enhance cash flow and mitigate the negative impact of default or non-payment.

“Ahmed Mahfouz Company” is known for its high success rates in tracking down debtors, whether they are companies or businessmen, even when their locations are unknown. We conduct an in-depth study of the debt circumstances to ensure a quick settlement, either through amicable solutions or legal procedures. In cases requiring litigation, we take the necessary steps to enforce court rulings, including asset seizure and liquidation to recover the owed amounts.

Debt Collection Service for Banks and Financial Companies:

Debt management and collection are sensitive matters that require high expertise and professionalism to ensure the recovery of financial dues efficiently and sustainably. We offer comprehensive debt collection services tailored to meet the needs of banks and financial companies, ensuring the highest success rates in recovering overdue funds and minimizing financial risks.

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